
Syntax: @Prog commandline[, windowstate]

The Prog command will execute the external program that you specify within the commandline. Control will revert back to XpertRule only when the external program terminates.

The commandline can include both path name and command line parameters. By default XpertRule will expect the external program to be resident in the current data sub directory for your application. The Program name you specify must be on-line for this command to operate.

The suffixes of .exe or .com etc., MUST be used to identify the actual program name.

The optional windowstate parameter can be used to set the show mode for the program, according to the numeric value used:

Windowstate value effect
1, 5, or 9 normal with focus
2 minimised with focus
3 maximised with focus
4 or 8 normal without focus
6 or 7 minimised without focus


@Prog ''


@Prog 'D:\Myfiles\Myprog.exe 2', 3

the second example calls an external program Myprog.exe in the sub directory Myfiles on drive D and passes a command line parameter 2. You can pass values and strings as when using the normal DOS command line. The Window state will be set to maximise with focus.

If you wish XpertRule to continue running when your external program has started, you should use the @Shell command as an alternative to @Prog.